Ad-Lin Building
Project DETAILS :
Ad-Lin Building
The Ad-Lin Building
The Palumbo Group was responsible for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of this four-story 1896 structure housing the accounting firm of Parente Randolph and the Foley Law Firm offices. The building, which was underutilized and in an advanced state of disrepair, was converted from a commercial/assembly usage to a professional office building. As a National Historic Landmark, the Ad-Lin Building required a sensitive and authentic exterior treatment consisting of restoration of decorative metal work, masonry cleaning, painting and restoration of first floor store fronts. The original interior details had to be preserved as well, including columns, corridors, window, doors, wood trim, and decorative metal ceilings.
All restoration work was completed in strict compliance with the Department of the Interior’s Rehabilitation Guidelines with approval from the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission and the Philadelphia Office of The Department of the Interior.
The Palumbo Group was also responsible for the preparation of all documentation necessary to achieve listing of the structure on the National Register of Historic Places.